“When I was done, I had a good-sized pile of dirt, roots, and broken stems. My original plan was to put all of it in the trash. But the process of sifting had revealed that there were a lot of root systems still capable of producing sprouts. I couldn’t bear to throw them in the garbage, but there was no room in the pots. So I went outside and found a nice patch of grass out of the way of mowing paths and spread it all out, hopeful that it would sprout in warmer weather. It reminds me of something my aunt told me once, during a particularly rough time in my life: “God wastes nothing.” Not the extra soil, not the myriad roots, not the broken stems. He uses all of it somewhere, often out of my sight and unbeknownst to me, always to His glory and for our good.” (from this post.)

two months later, i see this:


my jaw dropped! oh me of little faith! it’d been two months and nothing had ever shown up! but suddenly nothing turned into something. ^_^

that’s my favorite thing about God: He can make Something out of anything.

i am reminded once again, not to give up hope just because He’s taking longer than i expected. ♥

a pencil will do. (some paper, too.)

here’s my first installment of the comic strip i started drawing. it’s actually a remake of one i drew several years ago. i’ve been brainstorming a name for it but so far, nothing strikes my fancy; i would *love* to hear suggestions! also, bear with me — i’m still figuring out the best method for transferring from paper to blog. for now, if you can’t see the words clearly enough, click on the image and it will take you to a larger version. :)